💵 Revenue distribution

Fair distribution

From Fees

Fees are allocated in 3 parts.

  • DAO (35%)

  • Treasury (35%)

  • Referral (30%)

DAO usage

⛪ Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)

In the first phase of Megamoon v2. DAO will be used mainly for marketing purposes, i.e. building the Megamoon community and promoting our platform.

Treasury usage

Megamoon's treasury allocation will be used as follows:

  • Buyback MegaMoon tokens with MATIC, USDT or other ERC20 to:

  • Increase liquidity

  • Burn MegaMoon token to follow our deflationary token strategy

  • Pay network fees for all users via Megamoon proxy wallet.

  • Pay our partners, and agencies to develop the platform.

  • Share to Megamoon DAO.

Last updated